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Think about it!

Man decides his own rise and fall. That’s why it is well said that man is the maker of his destiny.


Never expect anything from anybody. It’ll hurt you a lot if you wouldn’t get anything. Too much expectation always gives you hard disappointments.


In every incident of our life, there is always a great lesson to learn. And one who learns it; he will get the nectars of real life.


Always try to learn every possible thing in your life, because you never know what things will bear fruitful for you.

There is a great impact from our own actions and reactions on others. Our actions and reactions interpret everything.


Good image always brings you respect and honor. So never allow it to catch anything on it. It is like a white cloth, everything is clearly visible on it.


Never take any decision when you’re clouded with emotions, excitements, anger and confusion. And if you ever go ahead, then it’ll always create problems for you. Always take your decision when you’re cool and calm.


When the problems arise before you, don’t get disturb, keep your nerve cool and calm, try to see with wider angle and search for its correct solutions.


Near put your steps in looking for the unknown destiny. If you go ahead with blindfolded eyes, you’ll always meet with trouble.


Good things and bad things are parts of our life. It’ll always strike in our life. Nobody can stop it. The former follows the later. It is like day and night.


Always try to keep your company with positive people. It is because only positive people can give you positive energy and vibrations.


Some problems are raised due to our carelessness and foolishness. And we start blaming on others.


Winners have no excuses. But losers have thousands of excuses. That’s the great difference between them.


Winners accept every challenges of life whether it is big or small, hard or easy, but losers don’t.


The sweetness of hard work is never compared with anything. It is like divine and heavenly.


Watching your AIM is very important to gain momentum in your life. Your AIM gives you the blue print to go ahead in your life. It shows you right directions and vivid reasons.


Thinking low and weakness of self is a great crime. And it is a sight of weak person. A weak person always thinks low and weak.


If you want to rise up in your life, then you must know how to inspire yourself. Inspirations give you not only moral boast but also give you strength to go ahead in your life.


Always try to vow yourself that you wouldn’t repeat the same mistakes in your life. And if you ever repeat your same mistakes, then you’re making yourself fool.


Never compare yourself with anybody in such a way that you become weak and frustrated.


Wisdom only comes with experiences and hardships.


If anybody talks about his success and failure, then try to listen to him carefully and learn from his success and failure. It will play your success guide.


Nobody is foe to anybody. It’s only the situations and needs which make friends and foes in our life.


Only two things happen in life, either good or bad, either happiness or sorrow, either success or failure.


When you take any responsibility in your hands then try to complete it. Never leave it in half way. Always remember that there is a great strength in responsibility. Only responsibility unveils your hidden secrets and inborn talents.


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