It is
equally true that, as Cicero points out, friendship diminishes our misery by
enabling us to share its burden with others. When fortune has infected a heavy
unavoidable blow upon us, our grief is alleviated by friendly condolence and by
the thought that, as long as our friends are left to us, life is still worth
But many
misfortunes which threaten us are not inevitable, and in escaping such misfortunes,
the advice and active assistance of our friends may be invaluable. The friendless
man stands alone, exposed without protectation to his enemies and to the blows
of fortune, but whoever has loyal friends is thereby provided with a strong
defence against the worst that fortune can do to him.
Thus in good
and ill fortune, in our work and in our hours of recreation, true friends is
the most important means to the attainment of happiness and the alleviation or
avoidance of misery. It must be remembered, however, that these remarks only
apply to friends really worthy the name. The evil that may be affected by bad
friends is as great as good secured by the possession of good friends. On this
account the right selection of friends is of vital importance. We should choose
our friends with the greatest care, and, when we have won them and found them
worthy, we should take care to retain them till we are severed from them by