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                                                  What is right and what is wrong

Think a second; can we live without knowing what is right and what is wrong for us? Not at all. We can’t think. It is impossible. We can’t live our life. 

Suppose if anybody asks us to set a fire on the roof of our house, and we do the same. Then what would happen? Obviously, our house caught fire. But can you do the same? No. Never. Because you know, if you set a fire on the roof of your house, it will catch fire and burn your entire house. You become homeless. You will lose your shelter. You never witness your house in fire. If you do so, then it is a foolish act.  You couldn’t commit such a blunder. Even you can’t think in your wildest dream. You’re not insane. You’re not absent minded.
Again suppose you are asked to commit a crime, and in its return you will awarded a huge amount of wealth, and thereafter you wouldn’t need to work anything in your entire life. You will live luxurious life forever. Can you go ahead with this offer? Without taking a second, your answer would be strong NO. You would say how I could commit a crime to become a rich. No. No. Never. Never. Why would you say like this? Because you know what is right and what is wrong for you. You know very well. There is a trap set for you. Once you caught in it, you never freed yourself. It is not to make you rich, but it is to make you criminal throughout your life. You can’t live your life as a criminal.

Everybody knows that life is full of uncertainties. Anything can happen in life. Good or bad. Success or failure. Nobody could predict about it. It is beyond human imaginations. Forget about it. Okay. Fine.

Now if by chance, in any juncture of your life, suppose your life demands from you to choose the path of wrong means to get success in your life, then what would be your decision. Would you proceed further for the same? Really, it is a big question for anybody.  It is a tough decision for you to go for it. There may be two possibilities. First, if you’ve already seen some success in your life, then it would be easy for you to deny it straightway. Second, if you haven’t yet seen any success in your life and in every step of your life, you’ve got the hard slaps of failures. Then you might be taking some chances to see the first glimpses of success. Here is the margin of committing error is much more. Now it is depend upon you, how much you know yourself, i.e. how much you know what is right for you and what is wrong for you. Decision is always be yours. If you take the right decision, your life will be on the right tract and if not, on the wrong tract. Your decision is depend upon what you want right now, what are your needs, and what is the position of situation, in your favour or against you. But the fact of the matter is that one who knows what is right for him, he will always go for it no matter what happens. He will never fall in dilemmas. He will never take wrong decision. And he never be the part of wrong ones.

However, there are many incidents that happened in our life when we are bound to commit such things which are wrong for us. But we have to force ourselves for the sake of happiness of our dear ones and for the sake of their lives.  

Now let’s take a small story, one day a poor man’s wife met an accident and seriously injured. Immediately, he took his wife to the hospital. Now the dilemma is that he has not a single coin in his pocket to pay the hospital fee. The hospital authority doesn’t admit his wife until he wouldn’t deposit the money. The poor man asked for help. But no one was there for his help. He pleaded the doctors to cure his injured wife. The doctors agreed. But they asked him to arrange the money as soon as possible; otherwise they wouldn’t operate his injured wife. How could the poor man see his wife dying? He went out and asked help from his near and dear friends and relatives. But nobody was out there to help him. He lay down in disgraced. There was a man standing nearby. He came closer to him and asked about his problems. The poor man narrated the entire episode. The man promised him whatever money he wanted for his wife’s treatment, but in return he has to do a job for him. The poor man agreed. The man gave the money and asked the poor man to deliver a bag to the same hospital. The poor man happily went to the hospital with a bag. But he never returns from there. After a few hours the hospital was exploded with a loud bang.

In this real time anecdote, the moral is that the harsh situation created so much of hurdles for a man that he becomes helpless. He can’t think. He can’t act. Even he knows what is right and what is wrong for him, he has bound to commit such things. 

For the wrong things that happen in our day to day life is not because of what we do wrong, but what the situations created for us. Even we know everything, both right and wrong, we commit such blunders. Because of our wants. Because of our needs. And of course time.

--Jyotshna  Sharma, Guwahati

My Teacher

My teacher is like my mother,
She loves me like her son.
She never gets angry with me.
She cares me very much.

My teacher is like a goddess,
She blesses me every day with her teaching.
She teaches me new things every day.
She is angle on earth for me.

My teacher is like my best friend,
She helps me whenever I need something.
She plays with me.
She enjoys with me.

My teacher is like my grandma,
She tells me fascinating stories.
She cares me a lot.
She loves me a lot.

My teacher is like a guide,
She teaches me very nicely.
She is like a book,
She knows everything.


--Master Gidartha Mahanta, Age-7 yrs, Class-1, Aturkimi English school, Diphu

My Litttle Candle

In the dark night
When there is no sight,
But, my little candle is burning alone,
Fighting all alone.
Without fear
Without care.
Fighting with the wild wind
Fighting with the mad black queen.
Having a thin wick
Without feeling sick.
She doesn't know any scream;
She only knows her beam.
She sacrifices her life
For the happiness of others' life.
She keeps her vows
Even she keeps away her woes.
She doesn't know any curse
But, she tells us to search.....
The path of light
And to feel the delight.


--Binita Devi, Mangaldoi

Alone and lonely

Lonely night
Lonely soul,
I stood alone,
Glimpses my twin eyes all the above.
But I couldn’t view anything.
No moon,
No stars.
Everywhere only darkness appears.
Only it’s me and my loneliness,
Waiting for someone
Who would be mine,
Close to my heart.
Only flowing of thoughts,
Only beams of dreams,
Waiting till the dawn,
But nobody come,
I stood as usual
Alone and lonely.


--Kashturi Boro, Kokrajhar

                                     You’re the Captain of Your Life’s Ship

The life of every person is in the midst of problems like a sailing ship, which is in the midst of sea. In the sea of your life, every moment thousands of circumstance is striking one after another, sometimes in the form of tempest and sometimes in the form of storms. Every time the tide of anxieties, tensions and troubles are rising up and down, and splashing in your life day and night. And you become restless and sleepless. Your wild desires, emotions and passions are swinging and blowing- sometimes in your direction and sometimes against you. But, you’ve to sail your life’s ship against these tyrant tides every time, no matter whatsoever happen. If you can’t sweep these tides of problem from your life’s ship, then it’ll capsize you. You’ve to keep your sailing steer in your firm hands to tackle.
You’re the captain of your life’s ship; you’re the soul of your life’s ship. Everything is in your hands. Everything is in your command. So you should know the direction of your problems; you should know where you’ve to sail your life’s ship. Study the weather condition of your problems-when it is favorable and when it is not favorable. Measure it with the rudder of your wisdom and knowledge. Keep everything in balance; keep your vigilant eyes alert. Capitalize your vigor, your steadfastness, and apply your experiences of your life. And then anchor your life’s ship in the right direction; sail your life’s ship with courage and patience. Don’t rest until you will not touch the dock of your destiny. Never afraid from the rising tides of problem. These problems are the course of nature. These are not making you weak; but make you stronger. If you ever try to escape from these, then they will ever chase you. So never run away from these uprising problems. Learn to tackle them. Tackle it with your brave heart and soul. Don’t forget that you’re the captain of your life’s ship.

                                                                                                ---Hojorat Basumatary, Langhin

Note: Contribute us your original works like poems, proverbs, short stories, essays, articles, jokes, personal experiences, interesting stories from your life and whatever you like. We’ll surely publish your works and creativities in our online magazine and expose your hidden talent before the eyes of millions of avid readers throughout the world. Believe us; we value your works and creativities.

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