Systematically cultivate the habit of right thinking.
Substitute good thought for evil thought and the later will be eliminated.
Do not compromise with any kind of wrong thought.
The only way to get rid of it effectively is through the power of right thinking.
If it is a desirable thing to think good thoughts for sometime,
It is desirable to think good thoughts all the time.
It is just as easy to think right thoughts as to think wrong thoughts.
True independence and self-confidence are based upon right thinking.
Substitute good thought for evil thought and the later will be eliminated.
Do not compromise with any kind of wrong thought.
The only way to get rid of it effectively is through the power of right thinking.
If it is a desirable thing to think good thoughts for sometime,
It is desirable to think good thoughts all the time.
It is just as easy to think right thoughts as to think wrong thoughts.
True independence and self-confidence are based upon right thinking.