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Art of Listening

Listening is a forgotten art. Shakespeare said,"Give many thy ear but few thy tongue." Most of us merely hear, we do not listen. Oxford dictionary says listen means to hear with thoughtful attention. We are in fact miles away, lost in another world when in conversation with friends, and colleagues. A good conversationalist is also a good listener. Showing an active interest in what other person is saying and listening is important. While listening to a person concentrate on the subject. A manager who listens to is in a better position to take correct decisions. According to experts the benefits of mastering listening range from learning new things to developing deeper relationships.

Enough enthusiasm to look forward

Enough HAPPINESS to keep you SWEET Enough TRIALS to keep you STRONG Enough SORROW to keep you HUMAN Enough HOPE to keep you HAPPY Enough FAILURE to keep you HUMBLE Enough SUCCESS to keep you EAGER Enough FRIENDS to keep you COMFORT Enough WEALTH to meet your NEEDS Enough ENTHUSIASM to look FORWARD Enough FAITH to banish DEPRESSION Enough DETERMINATION to make each day better than yesterday.

Sure Way to Success

* Visualising in detail exactly what you want. * Having a great desire. * Making up your mind that you are willing to endure the pain of struggle for the comforts, rewards, and the glory that go with achievements. * Writing your plan to obtain your objectives. * Taking the necessary steps to accomplish your plans. * Having the right mental attitude, the faith and confidence to know that you have the ability to accomplish your goals. * Necessary work and perseverance to bring your goals into completion. * Accomplishing and enjoying your goals.

Right Thinking

Systematically cultivate the habit of right thinking. Substitute good thought for evil thought and the later will be eliminated. Do not compromise with any kind of wrong thought. The only way to get rid of it effectively is through the power of right thinking. If it is a desirable thing to think good thoughts for sometime, It is desirable to think good thoughts all the time. It is just as easy to think right thoughts as to think wrong thoughts. True independence and self-confidence are based upon right thinking.

Things to Remember

* Value of time * Success of perseverance * Pleasure of working * Dignity of simplicity * Worth of character * Power of kindness * Influence of example * Wisdom of economy * Virtue of patience * Sound of laughter * Joy of friendship


God took the fragrance of a flower, the majesty of a tree, the gentleness of morning dew, the calm of a quite sea, the beauty of the twilight hour, the soul of a starry night, the laughter of the ripping brook, the grace of a bird in flight, the tender care of an angel, the patience of eternity, the depth of a family's need, then God fashioned from these things a creation like no other, and when His masterpiece was through he called it simply; Mother.

Children and Learning

If a child lives with finding fault with others, he learns to blame others. If a child lives morally strict, he learns to fight for right. If a child lives with disgrace, he learns to feel like a criminal. If a child lives with endurance, he learns to be tolerant. If a child lives with encouragement, he learns to respect others. If a child lives with all fairness, he learns justice. If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith, confidence and trust. If a child lives with a favourable opinion, he learns to like himself. If a child lives with acceptance and good friendship, he learns to find love in the world.


Take time to work, it is the price of success. Take time to think, it is the source of power. Take time to play, it is the secret of youth. Take time to read, it is the foundation of wisdom. Take time to be friendly, it is the road of happiness.  Take time to love and be loved, it is the privilege of the gods. Take time to look around, it is too short a day to be selfish. Take time to laugh, it is the music of the soul.

Be Generous With Praise

* Speak to people, there is nothing as nice as cheerful word of greeting. * Smile at people, it takes 72 muscles to frown....only 16 to smile. * Call people by name; the sweetest music to anybody's ear is the sound of their name. * Be sincerely cordial; speak and act as it were a genuine pleasure. * Be considerate of the feelings of others. * Be thoughtful of the opinion of others; there are three sides to a controvery-your's, the other man's and the right side. * Be genuinely interested in people; you can like everybody if you try. * Be generous with praise. Praise uplifts, criticism lowers. * Be alert to render service; above all, what counts in life is what we do for others. * Be fair in your criticism; remember your opinion is personal with you and it may not be always correct.

Learn from a river

Learn from flowers-Always smiling and spreading the sweet fragrance of beauty, health, happiness and fearlessness. Learn from bees- Cooperation and always working with pleasure and enthusiasm. Learn from trees- Bearing fruits and bowing their heads. Learn from sun- Giving heat and light to all high and low, rich and poor, good and bad, irrespective of caste, colour and creed. Learn from moon- Shining divine pleasure and calmness even during darkness and troubles. Learn from a river-Regularly marching towards its goal and overcoming all obstacles and difficulties in its way.

Let's Laugh

:) :) Doctor(at an asylum): Do you dream a lot? Patient: Yes, I do. Doctor: "What do you dream of ? Patient: Football matches. Doctor: Always? Patient: Yes, I always dream that I am the goal keeper. Doctor: But don't you dream of anything else. Woman and all? Patient: Oh never, if I did, I would get distracted and miss the goal. :) :) A man is praying to Lord Ganesha. The lord is appeased and he appears before him. "I am vey pleased, you now ask for anything you wish," says the lord. After a moment the man says, " my boots are torn because of all the running I have to do to catch the city bus. "Please give me a car." "Foolish mortal!" replies Ganesha angrily, "I myself ride a mouse. How can you even ask me for a car." :)  :)

Tips for Teenagers

* Always remember that you are really important to your parents-just as they are to you. You never know what you have got till it is gone. * Acknowledge your parents' needs. * Appreciate the rules your parents place around you. Without them the world is huge and frightening! Experience is the best teacher, their limits show that they care about you. * Make it a open to eat together with the family. Involve yourself and participate in the family functions. You will learn a lot and like it too. * You need your privacy but let your parents in-tell them what you are up to, do not shut them off. * Remember your parents are just kids who grew up and had kids; though you might differ in tastes. * If Your parents are separated, make an effort to stay in touch with the non-resident parent, by phone, letter or card. * Try talking to your mates-they no doubt face the same challenging situations. * Explain the world you live in to your parents-though it may be very different f...

Duties of Parents and Children

Parents should dissuade their sons from evils. They should persuade them to do good. They should teach them an art. They should give them in marriage to suitable wives. At the proper time they should hand over to them their inheritance. The son should support his parents. He should do their duties. He should keep family lineage. He should act in such a way as to be worthy of his inheritence. Futhermore he should offer alms in honour of his departed.                                                                          -Handbook of Buddhist

Face difficulties with courage

There was once a gardener who nursed his master's garden with great care. He brought water in a pot from a distant well. He earned the love and respect of his master. One day he was weighed down by family problems. Putting the pot of water aside, he sat down dispiritedly. He tried hard but could not come out of depression. "What am I worth?Am I meant to be a gardener all my life? People everywhere are enjoying comforts. Why not I? I must be a pauper, a sinner." he blamed himself. At this point, the pot spoke, "O Gardener! This frustration over a trifle is unworthy of you. The desired fruit is attained only through difficulties. Look at me. I started out as mud, trampled by everyone. Then a potter picked me up. He mixed me, with water, crushed me, mounted me on a wheel, spun me around, hammered me, fashioned me into this shape and roasted me in fire at length. That is not at all. I had to endure endless pain from buyers who assessed my quality by knocking me wi...


The teacher is like a candle which lights in consuming itself.                                                                                - Ruffin The true teacher is one who"knows the spirit of the scriptures; and not one who deals over much or only in words, thus losing the spirit."                                               -Swami Vivekananda One good school master...

Qualities Of A Good Student

He is sincere and serious in his studies. He is regular and religious in his duties. He is calm and quite in his nature. He is amiable and amenable in his behavior. He is hard working and soft speaking. He is simple and sober in appearance. He respects and responds to his teacher. He maintains good health and sound mind. He maintains displine and neatness. He keeps his mind open to new ideas.

A Good Student

A: Always liked by teachers. G: Greets everyone with a smile. O: Obedient to teachers and parents. O: On time to school. D: Dresses neat and clean. S: Studies with interest. T: Treats everyone with respect. U: Understands everything taught. E: Eager to know new things. N: Never misbehaves. T: Talks less in class.

Little Things

Little words are the sweetest to hear; Little charities fly farthest, and stay longest in the wing; Little lakes are the stillest; Little hearts are the fullest, And little farms are the best tilled. Little books are read the most, And little songs the dearest loved. And when nature would make anything especially rare and beautiful, she makes it little: little pearls, little diamonds, little dews. Life is made up of "little"; death is what remains of them all. day is made up of little beams, and night is glorious with little stars.                                              -Cath. Quote


Q: What makes the sun shine everyday? A: The power of God. Q: what rescues man in all danger? A: Courage. Q: By the study of which sastra(scripture) does man become wise? A: A man does not become wise by studying any sastras. It is by association with the great in wisdom that he gets wisdom. Q: What is faster than the wind? A: The mind. Q: What befriends a traveller? A: Learning. Q: What accompanies a man in death? A: Good deeds. Q: What is happiness? A: It is the result of good conduct. Q: What is that, abadoning which, man becomes loved by all? A: Pride. Q: What is that, by giving up enjoys peace of mind/ A: Anger.


Great God Grant us an understanding heart, Equal vision, balanced mind, Faith, devotion and wisdom, Grant us inner spiritual strength To resist temptations and to control mind. Free us from egoism, lust, Greed, hatred, anger and jealousy. Fill our hearts with divine virtues.                                            - Swami Sivananad