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You’re responsible for your success

If you want a grand success in your life, then the only mantra for your success is lying within you. There is no other external source remaining for you. It’s only you. It’s only you. You’re the only responsible for your success. You’re the only responsible for your failure.

You’re responsible for everything you think or act in your life. You’re responsible for everything you plan or decide in your life. You never blame on anybody if you ever failed to execute your thoughts, plans, decisions and actions, because you’re the sole responsible for everything. You’re responsible for every outcome of your life.

If you’re successful in your life, then you’re only responsible for your success.
If you fail in your life, then you’re only responsible for your failure.

You will never going to share your success or failure with anybody in your life.

Your life is like a small seed of a plant the way you sow it, the way you reap its fruits. But you’ve to toil for it.  Both day in and day out. Day and night. Then only you will get what you want from it.

Your success is always depended upon you. It is on your hands. You can make it the way you want. And you can turn it the way you wish.

If you’ve a good amount of money in your pocket, then it depends on you whether you spend for a good cause or for a bad cause. You’re responsible for either of the cause.

You’re like the goldsmith of your life.
You can convert your life into any form or any design of jewels.

You’ve infinite source of talents and skills hidden within yourself. It is your responsibility to unearth it yourself. You’ve to realize yourself. Nobody will come to you to awake your quiescent potentials. It is only you who will have to awake it. Then only you can mould and nurture your talents and skills into your grand success.

It is always up to you what you want in your life: success or failure; happiness or unhappiness.

Let us suppose that, if a living room is completely shut in the shadows of darkness, then it is up to you whether you would switch on the lights and brighten your living room, or you would keep your living room in complete darkness as earlier.

Many people desperately want to get great success in their lives, but their problem is that they never want to switch on their lives. They like to live their lives in darkness.

They are always waiting for the great things to be happened in their lives. They are waiting for the great opportunities in their lives rather than working hard on their abilities. Waiting for the great opportunities is not a bad thing, but doing nothing is bad thing for you. You’ll get nothing. You’ll always remain empty-handed.

Always remember that it is only your hard works which knock at the doors of the great opportunities.

Try to create your own opportunities in your life with your own responsibilities.

There are many great men who have created great histories while creating their own opportunities in their lives, like Dhirubhai Ambani, Henry ford, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and many more. They never waited for the great opportunities in their lives to be happened. They have made the things to happen in their lives. They have created their own opportunities.

Is there anything that happens itself without doing anything?

If anybody thinks so, then it is a foolish act. He will never gain anything in his life. He will never reach anywhere. He will only revolve like a playing Top.
But there are many people who think like this.  And they, knowingly and unknowingly, repeat it once and again. They never learn anything from their mistakes in their entire lives. And they are always blaming on others, living a mediocre life.

If you want to relish the scrumptious dish today, then what will do the first thing in your kitchen? Obviously, you would buy the best ingredients for your dish. Then you start preparing it according to the requirements, such as, cutting, peeling and washing. And when everything is ready, you start cooking your dish, and allow it for some time to cook. And after sometime you’ll get the wafting sweet and delicious smell of your dish all around your kitchen as well as in your living room. Finally you’ll relish your favourite dish with your heart content.

Similarly, if you want to relish the scrumptious success in your life, then everything is relying on you. You’ve to think. You’ve to plan. You’ve to decide. You’ve to prepare. And finally you’ve to act. Nobody will come to help you.  You’ve to help yourself. You’re responsible for everything.

Nobody will become a better cook than you in your life,
Because you know what are the best ingredients for your life.

This life is yours so as your success or failure. You’re responsible for everything. Everything is on your shoulders whether you accept it or reject it; whether you mend it or break it. You’ve to think yourself. You’ve to plan yourself. You’ve to decide yourself. You’ve to prepare yourself. And you’ve to execute yourself.
But first of all, you must know your strong points, and your weak points before you act on any of your commitments. Because when you know your strengths and weaknesses, then only you could easily execute it in the best possible manner.
You must know what is good for you, and what is bad for you, after all you’re responsible for your own life. Because one good decision may lead you to the sparkling brightness of success; and one bad decision may lead you to the engulfing darkness of failure.

You’re like the scriptwriter of your own film. You can write any story as you like in your script. You’re responsible for your own story. Either your story is hit or flop, you’re the sole responsible. You never blame on anybody for your success or failure.

If you get a white paper, then it is up to you what you want to write on it. If you want to write success on it, then you can write on it. And if you want to write failure on it, then you can write on it. Choice is always yours.

You’re responsible for yourself, whatever you think;
Whatever you plan; whatever you decide; whatever you prepare; and whatever you act.

Your life is like a white paper.
Whether you write something on it,
Or you leave it blank.
Or you tear it.
Whether you write success on it,
Or you write failure on it.
Everything depends upon you.
You’ve to think yourself.
You’ve to plan yourself.
You’ve to decide yourself.
You’ve to prepare yourself.
You’ve to act yourself.
After all you’re the sole responsible for your own life.


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