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Love is beautiful

Love is the only word which is the most beautiful thing in the whole world or universe. There is no match or any comparison with any other word. It is so beautiful and sweet that everybody can feel it or understand it clearly and wholly. There is not an iota of any doubt that he or she won’t feel its beauty and melodious language.

Love is only a word of four letters L-O-V-E, but you won’t define it in one word. It’s so vast and wide that you won’t measure its length. Its meaning is deep and sacred. It is infinite. But it could touch every heart whether man or beast or birds or tress.

Love is the language of universe.

There is a great magic in love. It can mesmerize anybody or anything in this world. Love is only a magic lamp which enlightens your life.

If you want to test its magic then try to express your feelings to your beloved ones or dear ones, say, “I love you, dear.” Then you’ll see its magical charms. It can melt everybody’s heart, mind and soul.

How many times do you express ‘I love you, dear’ to your beloved ones or dear ones in your life?

Not yet!

Then, try it, if you wish to feel the beauty and magic of love in your life.
‘I love you,’ is the most beautiful sentence in the entire world. Always keep this beautiful sentence with you like your most valuable treasure wherever you live or wherever you go in your life. This simple sentence will change your life utterly.

Love is the only remedy of every malady of human emotions and feelings.

Feel it!

Express it!

Love is your most valuable treasure.

Live your life with love.

You’ll know the real meaning of your life.

Love is the only water which would wet the burning fire of hatred. Love is the only thing which would melt every heart. Love is the only answer of every question of life. Love is the only solution of every problem of life. Love is the only weapon to win any battle of your life.

If you want to bring lasting happiness, success and peace in your life, then start loving your beloved ones or dear ones. Love will definitely fulfill your every wish and every desire of your life. Because love is the ultimate source of your life and your world.

It is only love which always motivates you to live your life.

It is only love which always guides you towards your goals of life.
No love, no motivation in your life.

No love, no guidance in your life.

Without love you’ll lose in your life.

Without love you’ll wander in your world.

Love is the only pathfinder of your life.

But, unfortunately, in today’s busy and fast running, and pre-occupied world, everybody is, gradually, forgetting this beautiful word ‘LOVE’. They have no time to feel or express this beautiful word of love with each other. As a result, in today’s materialist world many people’s life is becoming a void and hollow. Like a machine. There is always lack of love, lack of happiness and lack of peace, and their lives are engulfing with the darkness of anxieties and stresses.

Everybody is running after name, fame, money, and power, so there is no space for love in their lives. Love becomes secondary stuff for them. They are living with wrong beliefs and wrong notions that if they have named, fame, money, and power, then they would achieve everything in their lives.

Is it really happened in life?

But, alas, when they achieve name, fame, money and power, they lost the most important thing of their lives, which is love. They forget to live their lives.

Without love you’ll forget to live your life.

Love is a beauty of this world. Nobody can live without its sweet nectars. If there is love there is life, if there is no love there is no life.

Many people try to seek love elsewhere or in far of distance, instead of finding it within their hearts, and within their beloved ones or dear ones. So they are always unhappy and unsatisfied in their lives no matter how much they are successful in their lives.

In the Himalayan region, a very famous Kasturi male dear is found. It is very beautiful, and it wears black and brown color. Every year, during one of the seasons, a persistent perfume like odor is developed from one of its glands in its navel area which is called kasturi. But the poor deer always remained unaware of it. When it smells its own sweet odor (Kasturi), it becomes so entrapped in its own odor that it starts searching it everywhere, madly. Alas, the poor beast couldn’t find it anywhere.

In the same way, many people started seeking their love elsewhere while forgetting that the very thing which they are seeking desperately is much closer to them, in their hearts and in their beloved ones or dear ones.

Love is always dwelling within you.

You just need to realize it.

Don’t look it elsewhere.

You’ll never find it anywhere.

Generally, the most common error people commit in their lives is that they are always attracted to the person’s beautiful appearances or outlooks, but they are always failed to look at the person’s hidden beautiful love and beautiful heart. They will only realize their grave errs when that beautiful appearance wearing person betrays them.

A beautiful love is always dwelling in the heart of a beautiful heart.

A person’s appearance may be disappeared or wither one day. His body will get wrinkles one day, and become old and aged with the tides of time, but his beautiful love will ever remain fresh and eternal even after many years.

Love is so beautiful that once you’ll fall in love with yourself or with your beloved ones or dear ones, you too automatically become beautiful. Your life will become beautiful. Your world will become beautiful. Everything becomes beautiful. You’ll see beautiful in everyone. You’ll feel beautiful in everything. You’ll find beauty in everywhere.

If you want to make yourself beautiful, then first of all you should love yourself. Only love can make you one of the most beautiful persons in the whole world.

Love makes your heart beautiful.

Love makes your mind beautiful.

Love makes your soul beautiful.

Love makes your thoughts beautiful.

Love makes your life beautiful.

Love makes your world beautiful.

Love makes you a complete man.

Love is the only source of life that changes you completely.

If you want to change yourself or anybody, then it is one and only your love which would spell its beautiful magic, and instantly change you completely.

Love is the only way to change your life in this world.



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