are not a failure until you allow your mistakes to define what kind of person
you are and what is in store for you.
is, when after much persistence and hoping, things not going the way you wanted
them to. Or when you saw other people having what you always wanted while you
are still struggling to achieve.
definition of failure is different for all of us. And yet most of us take on
the identity of a failure without really knowing what it is all about.
according to the dictionary, is “ceasing to function, breaking down,
non-performance.” And as I have found out our definitions of a “breakdown/non-performance”
are not correct. We seem to think that we are a failure when our parents give
up on us or when we make the same mistakes again and again or when after a long
time it becomes apparent that we are not going to get the job we have always
dreamed of or when we are not financially sound in life as we hoped we would
situations are not what make a failure. They may be setbacks, defeats that are
to be overcome. A failure is one who gives up completely, loses all hope and
allows the setbacks to become a way of life for his/her self.
potential is so great that there is no limit where one might reach if it is
tapped correctly. In this imperfect world of ours, it is usual that our dreams
do not come true as we would want them to, that we will not measure up to
people’s standards, that we will not get the perfect job or that we will disappoint
our parents.
why do we dwell on our defeats as if it is the end of our lives? I literally,
used to hang on to my “failures,” until I realised one day that these are our
priceless stepping stones towards becoming better individuals, which we must
first learn to accept. A series of setbacks or mistakes may leave you feeling
like a failure but it does not mean that you are a failure, if you decide to
use those defeats to your advantage, as valuable lessons to learn from.
may fail several times but keep moving ahead. In doing that, you have won half
the battle.