Life is really simple, but we insist on
making it complicated.

live a simple and happy life what we need the most? Not much, we just need our
three basic needs- food, clothes and shelter. That’s enough for us. However,
we want more and more, and it leads us to different directions. Then, we start
toiling day and night, 24/7, without taking any rest or sleep. We per-occupied
ourselves in our work in such a way that we not only forget ourselves, but also
forget our families. We don’t have enough time to spend with them. We secluded
ourselves from all bonds and relationships. Even we have no idea that we’re turning our simple life into complexity.
in no time, our simple and beautiful life turned into complex and ugly. We have
no happiness; we have no peace, even though we have enough materialist comforts
and world’s best luxuries. But we’ve no one to share our joy and
we started regretting our blunders, and looking for that simple life once
again, but that time it would be too far from us. No matter how much we try to
get there, but our hands never reach there. Eventually, we found ourselves all
alone in our deserted state.